Born in Wales to Elizabeth and Richard, a farmer, Othniel came to WA alone on the Armadale in 1910 aged just 17, to work as a boundary rider.
He enlisted in June 1916 and though it was noted during his medical his left foot was flat, he was accepted and assigned to the 43rd Battalion.
He embarked at Fremantle on Port Melbourne on 30 October 1916, arriving in England after Christmas. He was sent to France in February 1917 and joined his unit on 4 March. He presented sick with mumps the next day and spent the next three weeks in hospital.
Othniel was wounded in action on 31 July (machine gun wound fracturing his right leg), an injury that saw him evacuated to England until early 1918.
On 26 May 1918 he was wounded in action for a second time (mustard gassed), but returned to the field. Incredibly, he was wounded in action for a third time (gunshot wound to the right shin which fractured his newly healed tibia for the second time) on 4 July. Evacuated to England once more, he rejoined his battalion in December, after the signing of the Armistice.
In February 1919 he was admitted to hospital once more, this time just for a few days with a troublesome septic toe.
From 24 March 1919 Othniel took leave with pay to visit his mother in Ellesmere, Shropshire. He returned on 11 July and embarked for Australia per Barambah, arriving in Fremantle on 17 October 1919.
In 1921 he married Gertrude Richardson and took up land, farming at East Pithara.
He raised a family with Gertrude and died in 1960, aged 67.
Photographed at the Dease Studio, 117 Barrack Street Perth WA Image courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia: 108155PD
Photographed at the Dease Studio, 117 Barrack Street Perth WA Image courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia: 108158PD