This is the hardest part. You will spend a lot of time trying different searches and reading articles to find out whether they're relevant. I’ve made another document that covers Trove Search Tips’n’Tricks
Once you’ve found an interesting article or piece of text, use the mouse to copy-and-paste the text from the article to your document. (If you know what you’re doing, try to make a 2-column table with the date of the article in the first column, the text in the second and a row for each entry).
You’ll need to spend some time editing and ‘cleaning-up’ the text once you’ve put it into the Doc.
Also, put the date of the article (that you can read from Trove) on the line before so you remember when the article was published.
You’ll often find that you copy-and-paste lots of shorter lines from the Trove text following their format, instead of it being all on the same line. This is because there’s a ‘newline’ character at the end of each line of text from Trove, as if when you’d typed it, you’d then hit ‘Enter’. You would have to backspace
You can remove these by hand, but there is a quicker way …
highlight the text
press Ctrl-h on the keyboard which opens ‘Find & Replace’ window
tick the box near the bottom that says ‘Match Using Regular Expressions’ (it's a fancy way of finding text)
carefully, in the ‘Find’ box put \n (backslash, lowercase n - this is a regular expression that matches a new line)
in the ‘Replace with’ box put a single space (hit the spacebar once)
click the Replace button as often as you have to - each time you should see a line join-up with a space between. If you make a mistake, just use Edit -> Undo (or Ctrl-Z).
Once you’ve neatened-up the text, add the word ‘(Reference)’ to the end of the paragraph. You then go back to the Trove article and in the panel on the left click on the top icon for Details, like the picture below
This will open the side bar and show you the basic information about the article. At the very top is the ‘Article Identifier’ which is the location of where the article is stored in the Trove database. You need to copy this with the mouse, so drag over the text and right-click, ‘Copy’.
Then you need to link the word ‘(Reference)’ in your document with this information so go to your Doc, double-click on Reference, right-click and from the menu select ‘Link’ or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-K.
You then ‘paste’ the link into the box that comes up and click ‘Apply’.
The final thing to do is add the Article to a List so that it gets into the queue to be checked and corrected by other volunteers. Back in Trove, on the side panel, click on the 4th option down, which will open the Lists menu.
Then click ‘Add’ at the top of the panel and select the ‘Streets of Freo’ list.
Importantly, use the scroll-bar on the left to go to the very bottom and Important---- SAVE!