The Anzac Book Written and Illustrated in Gallipoli by The Men of Anzac
Australia in Palestine Sir Henry Gillet
Australian Chivalry : Reproductions in colour and duo-tone of official war paintings Edited by J. L. Treloar, Director, Australian War Memorial
The Changing of the Guard : Graphic incidents of the two world wars, reproduced from official and other photographs Australian War Memorial
Conferment of the Freedom of Entry on the Cammanding Officer, Officers and Men of No 25 (City of Perth) (Auxiliary) Squadron City of Perth
Ceremony for the Exercising of the Right of Entry to the City of Perth by the Officers and Airmen of No 25 (City of Perth) Squadron City of Perth
Official History of Australia in the War of 1914 - 18 : Photographic record of the war Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean, Sir Henry Gullet, Arthur Wilberforce Jose...
Swan Barracks, Francis Street Northbridge Compiled by 5MDPR and Australian Army, 5th Military District Public Relations
The W.A Digger Book Issued by the Returned Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperial League (W.A. Branch)
Album of Western Australia B. Stein & Co.
Freeway Harry Mills Advertising
The history of Fremantle : the front gate of Australia, 1829 - 1929 By J.K. Hitchcock ; also, The history of the Harbour by J.W.B. Stevens
Kings Park & Botanic Garden : 1895 - 1995 Centennial Board Meeting Saturday 9th September 1995
Narrows Bridge (Film) Education Department Western Australia : Government Films Unit
A Night in Reno Reno's Restaurant
A passing era : Historic and distinctive buildings of Perth and Fremantle Produced by the Periodicals and General Printing Divisions of West Australian Newspaper Limited
Perth : City of Sunshine City of Perth
Perth Girls School : An historical retrospect 1847 - 1947 Perth Girls' School
Perth Girls' School : Centenary concert booklet Perth Girls' School
State reception in honour of the visit to Western Australia by Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh State Government : Office of the Premier
Temple Court Cabaret and Tea Rooms Ltd. : The rendezvous of the west Edson R. Banks
Walking in Perth City : Living history in Western Australia City of Perth
Western Australia illustrated : Present-day views Government Tourist and Publicity Bureau
Your Museum WA Museum, A. F. Lovell
"Ace" Roadster Ace - Sign-writer unknown
"Ace" Special Racer Ace - Signwriter unknown
Catalogue..."Ace" Cycles McDonald & Green
Dunlop Tyres : Beverley Road Race League of W.A. Wheelmen
Popular Mechanics : The American automobile Popular Mechanics Co.
Goldfields Water Supply : Helena Reservoir Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department
The history of the development of education in Western Australia, 1829 - 1923 Donald Hamilton Rankin (1880-1974).
Kwinana Freeway : Advice to Drivers Issued by the Commissioner of Main Road, Western Australia
Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department (series) Perth Water
Perth : City and suburbs RAC
Perth - Metropolitan Streets and Roads : The Imperial Map Directory Maps compiled by Hope & Klem Surveyors
Perth's Underground Water Supply Artesian Bore
Water for a City : Perth Western Australia Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage and Drainage Board
Western Australia Agriculture Protection Board Act 1950-1964 By Authority: Alex B. Davies, Government Printer