The Heritage of Australia: The illustrated register of the National Estate The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd
The Heritage of Western Australia The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd
Looking around Perth: A guide to the architecture of Perth and surrounding towns Ian Molyneux
National Trust of Western Australia Sketchbook Drawings by Ross Shardlow, text by Alexandra Hasluck
Vanishing Ink Timothy G.Hare
Waterholes of Western Australia Douglas Ballin and Yvonne Austin with an introduction by D. L. Serventy
Western Heritage : A study of the colonial architecture of Perth, Western Australia Ray and John Oldham
50 Years Council House 1963 - 2013 City of Perth, Jo Darbyshire
Alex Hotel Alex Hotel.
Architecture walk: historic heart East End Perth: explore your neighborhood Perth Festival.
Australian Cottages Robert Moore, Sheridan Burke and Ray Joyce
Australian Country Houses : Homesteads, farmsteads, and rural retreats Clive Lucas and Ray Joyce
City of Perth Library City of Perth
Crawley Campus : The planning and architecture of the University of Western Australia R. J. Ferguson
Glowrey’s Place Hotel Perth: tourists’ guide to Western Australia N/A.
Heritage Matters State Heritage Office
A landscape for learning : a history of the grounds of the University of Western Australia [Edited by] George Seddon and Gillian Lilleyman
The Link Government of Western Australia, East Perth Redevelopment Authority, City of Perth
Museum map The Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
The Old Court House 1837 : A brief history Text by Dr Neville Green
Open House Perth 7-8 Nov : Event Program 2015 Open House Perth
Perth City Council 1939 - 1945 : Perth Town Hall foyer 16 April - 4 May 2008 City of Perth, Jo Darbyshire
Peruse : A history of the City of Perth Library 1851 - 2016 City of Perth Library, Jo Darbyshire
Picture Palaces of the Golden West Vyonne Geneve and Ron Facius
Self-Guided Heritage Tour : Cathedral Square City of Perth
The Wesley Story: Centenary of Wesley Church, Perth Western Australia, 1870-1970 N/A.
Western landmarks : Historic buildings of Western Australia Descriptions by Ronald P. Wright, Drawings by H. Smeed
A City For All Seasons : The story of Melville W.S. Cooper and G. McDonald
Homes in the Sky : Apartment Living in Australia Caroline Bulter-Bowdon and Charles Pickett
Kings Park & Botanic Garden : Banksia Garden Launch - June 5, 1997 World Environment Day Kings Park and Botanic Garden (West Perth, WA)
Perth and Suburbs : Buildings classified and recorded by the National Trust Stewart and Marie Cownie
Perth Sketchbook Drawings by Paul Rigby, text by Kirwan Ward
Portrait of Perth Drawing by Cedric Emanuel, Text by Kirwan Ward
Portrait of Perth Jiri & Marie Lochman
Sanctuaries : the park & gardens of Central Perth City of Perth
Stirling City Leonard A. Easton
Swan River Landscapes George Seddon, with forward by Sir Paul Harper
Take Me to the River : An exhibition of schemes for the Perth Foreshore 1833 - 2013 Dr Julian Bolleter
Walkable city: How downtown can save America, one step at a time Jeff Speck
Wallpaper City Guide : Perth Wallpaper
Western Australia : An architectural heritage A. E. Williams
Western Australian Botanic Garden : WA Botanic Garden Celebrating 50 Years Government of Western Australia and Kings Park & Botanic Garden, Botanic Gardens & Parks Authority
The workshops : a history of the Midland Government Railway Workshops Edited by Patrick Bertola and Bobbie Oliver.
Your Passport to Perth : Your complete guide to experiencing Perth, Australia Tourism WA
Bridgetown the Early Years : Settlement of the Warren Blackwood District in the south west of Western Australia Fran Taylor
Bush Plants for Perth Gardens Complied by Denise Crosbie in Association with Eleanor al.
Canning Dam : A golden era K.J. Kelsall
A garden on the Margaret : The path to Old Bridge House Gillian Lilleyman
Ernest Hodgkin's Swanland : estuaries and coastal lagoons of South-western Australia Anne Brearley 1949-
System 6, Parks and Reserves : Guide to the Darling System Report Department of Conservation and Environment
2003 Perth [cartographic material] : street directory 45th Edition Universal Business Directories (Aust.) Pty. Ltd
Central Area Transit Transperth
iCity Perth Central Area map City of Perth
Metropolitan Road Guide : Perth Western Australia City of Perth
Metropolitan Street Directory : Perth 1984 City of Perth
Metropolitan Street Directory : Perth Western Australia 1978 City of Perth
Metropolitan Street Directory : Perth City of Perth
Perth & environs : Complete map series and tourist guide Government WA
U.B.D. Perth Street Directory : North to Two Rocks - South to Warnbro Universal Business Directories (W.A.) Pty. Ltd.